Quintela de Leirado
Quintela de Leirado

Museum of emigration to Equatorial Guinea

Museum of emigration to Equatorial Guinea

Quintela Of Leirado recovers the history and the collective memory of his neighbours with the Museum of the Emigration to Guinea Ecuatorial

In the inauguration of the installations, the president of the Deputación of Ourense, Manuel Baltar, affirmed that "here can feel what means the phenomenon of the emigration", zoning the museum like "a centre of only reference to speak of the importance of Guinea Ecuatorial in the path of so many men and women of this territory"

The mayor, José Antonio Pérez, agradeció the collaboration of the Deputación in this project, like this as of his neighbours by the cesión of photographs, documents and all type of material to reconstruct our past.

Ourense, 11 of December of 2021.- The president of the Deputación of Ourense, Manuel Baltar, accompanied pole mayor of Quintela of Leirado, José Antonio Pérez, took part today in the inauguration of the Museum of the Emigration to Guinea Ecuatorial, an only project in Spain that had the collaboration of the provincial institution and in which collects the collective memory of the veciñanza of the municipality and zones limítrofes, that in the past century protagonizou an emigration of singular characteristics when choosing how destination in his practical whole to ancient colonia Spanish.

Manuel Baltar zoned the museum like "a centre of only reference to speak of the importance of Guinea Ecuatorial in the path of so many men and women of this territory that with his effort and work contributed to do bigger a country that received them with the open arms".

The provincial president felicitó to the local government of Quintela of Leirado, destacadamente to his mayor and teniente mayor, José Antonio Pérez and Pablo Pérez, by "this homage to the identity that have to conservar", adding that "today what are to do with this act is ourensanía, like feeling of belong to the territory, like creative village and worker that are, but also emigrant".

In this sense affirmed that "here can feel what means the phenomenon of the emigration, as also are it to procurar from the Deputación through the that will be the museum gallego of the emigration", that will be situated in the Pazo of Vilamarín.

José Antonio Pérez, that agradeció the collaboration of the Deputación in this project, wanted to underline the "big received that from the first moment had the idea of this museum between the veciñanza, that reflect in the cesión of photographs, documents and all type of material to reconstruct our past". An initiative that also was applauded by Carmen Güerri, catedrática of History of the Art in the University Complutense of Madrid, been born in Guinea and aide of the project, present also in the inauguration.

The singular characteristic and pioneira of this museum and the history that relata, although in other points of the Spanish geography like the Pirineo Aragonés also to emigration chose this destination, did not happen unobserved for the Spanish diplomacy and guineana that felicitaron to the city council by this initiative.

The Museum of the Emigration to Guinea Ecuatorial had the collaboration of the Deputación of Ourense, that approached a help of 48.000 euros to adapt the installations of the building multiusos of Leirado, where now the visitors will be able to know, through witnesses audiovisuais and material, as it was the life in the municipality to principles of the past century, the moment in which undertook the expensive trip Guinea, as it was his life and his work in the plantacións of cacao and the conditions in which had to escape of the territory when declaring the independence.

The exhaustive process of collected of information even carried to discover to the first neighbour that emigrou the Guinea, Eloy Road, there by the 1896, and that after mercar a plantation of cacao caused the effect called between his paisanos, even such point that of the Quintela of Leirado also knew him like the Valley of Fernando Poo, in allusion to the island of the Spanish province in Africa where asentaba the colonia orensana.


Wednesday, 15 of January


  • Museum of Emigration to Equatorial Guinea
  • Mancomunidade Terra de Celanova
  • Deputación Ourense
  • Xunta de Galicia

Town hall of Quintela

  • GDR Límia Arnoia
  • Acceso Móbil
  • Axencia Galega de Desenvolvemento
  • Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente
  • Xunta de Galicia
  • Galicia
  • Feader: Europa inviste no rural

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