Quintela de Leirado
Quintela de Leirado

Quintela de Leirado

Concello de Quintela de Leirado
Surface: 31,3 Km cuadrados
Population (INE 2012): 716 hab.

Quintela de Leirado is one of the municipalities of the region of land of Celanova, located in the South of the autonomous region of Galicia and in the West of the province of Ourense. It borders to the North with the municipalities of Gomesende and Ramirás, to the South with Portugal, to the East with those of Celanova and Verea, and to the West with the Padrenda. Its geographical position is 42° 05' North latitude and 8 ° 07' longitude West, being its altitude 386 m above the sea level. It should be kept in mind, for purposes of identification, that the geographical code of Quintela de Leirado is 32650; of the INE, 32066; and the national topographic map sheet that appears drawn, is the number: 263.
Quintela de Leirado
The council is located 32 km from the city of Ourense. It is affiliated to the Diocese of Ourense and the judicial party of Celanova.

The Town Hall of Quintela de Leirado, whose capital is Leirado, is located in a mountainous area of rugged topography, formed by the Silva Escura Valley, the mountain of Penagache and the Valley of the river Deva. This Valley is surrounded by several mountains: Leboreiro (1,260 m.), Penagache (1224 m.), Coto da Moura (941 m.) and others, such as "Aguillon" and “Castelo".

Its main river is the Deva, tributary of the Miño, and other small water courses, among them which highlights Salto do Gato and Pequeno and Grande rivers. The most important elevations are Leboreiro, 1,260 meters; Penagache, 1224 metres, Castelo, 1.030; The Basteira, 1.008; Coto da Moura, 941; Marcos das Cruces, 939; Coutino do Marco, 829; and Costa Velle, 806.

The Town Hall of Quintela de Leirado has an area of 31.3 km2, which comprises 30 entities of population, distributed in 5 parishes, and 716 people approximately.


In the old regime the council of Quintela de Leirado had their parishes in the jurisdiction of Milmanda and Forxan, province of Ourense the two, with the following distribution and dependencies.
Jurisdiction Parishes Manor
Forxán Leirado (S. Pedro) H.E. e X.O. by the monastery of Celanova: order of San Bieito
Milmanda Leirado (Sta. María) S.S and X.O. by the Marquis of Malpica
Id. Riomuiños Id.
They are not in the Floridablanca, because they are born in the year 1983, the parish of Quintela de Leirado and Xacebans..

First constitutional councils

At this stage of the first third of the 19th century, the now Council of Quintela de Leirado, and in his term, there was a Constitutional Council called Riomuiños, belonging to the judicial district of Celanova, and contained in the divisions making the Deputation of Galicia, then only, to distribute to local councils, the quintal or contributions.

The municipality of Riomuiños, appears in the sharing of fifths which makes the provincial of Galicia on July 7, 1821, with the obligation to deliver to 2 men and fourth. In the distribution of 13 September 1821 territorial contribution, with the share of 15.408 rs. 23 ms; and the contribution of consumption that makes the same provincial of Galicia on October 2, 1821, with the rs 11.030. 17 ms.

This Council still belongs to the party of Celanova when at the beginning of the 1822 is the Galicia division into four provinces, they appear, albeit with name Leirado or Riomuiños, in the Division to the province and the Deputation of Ourense make on consumption for the year 1822-23, on October 28, 1822, in which figure with 9,000 rs share. 4 ms.

The municipal division of the Royal Decree of July 23, 1835

In the province of Ourense was the Civil Governor records which began to give effectiveness to the Royal Decree of July 23, 1835, making one for each judicial district, and which gave the Provincial Deputation, once installed, at the meeting of October 26, 1835, for his report.

The provincial Council determined that records pass a Commission composed of the Deputation of the court party, in this case of Celanova, being Quintela de Leirado and two more, and what did at the meeting, two days after the October 28, 1835. The Commission-designate was not much delayed in submission of the report, as it was seen in the session of November 1835, and in the same 2 approved by the members who agreed to make the corrections provided for by the Commission and then return it to the Civil Governor. Despite the very quickly with that processing was made, new councils list soon even be published when they were already installed and the S.M. approval had been received because the judicial party of Celanova did not take place until the BOPOR number 54 on July 8, 1836, and it appears the city of Quintela de Leirado, literal as follows:
Municipal Capital Parish Jurisdiction Post office
Quintela Leirado Santa María
Leirado S. Pedro
Riomolinos San Salvador
Milmanda y Forxán
The variations that occurred after

The municipality of Quintela de Leirado, has in relation to the list of 1836, the following variations: the parish of San Pablo, is new, and was segregated the term, San Pedro of Leirado, parish being born as a parish in the parish arrangement of 1893, as formerly it belonged as we said the San Pedro de Leirado. Also new to the parish of Santiago Xacebans, or Xacebais, which was secreted in the parish of San Pedro de Leirado, with their places of Xacebas and Retortoiro, being annex to San Pedro de Leirado and promoted the parish in 1893 arrangement.

Also worth recalling the relation to 1836, which is that there is Santa María of Leirado or Mociños, is the same that is now called: Santa María of Mociños.

The inspector of the SNIACL in the proceeding of February 17, 1973 encourages the fusion with the municipality of Padrenda, but of Quintela de Leirado, it does not want to. Even more difficult alternative would be that of incorporation into the core of Carracedo and Barqueras, of the municipalities of Celanova and Verea, respectively. In any case you must go to the pool with Padrenda, for maintenance of the Secretary.

Territory and population

The municipality of Quintela de Leirado, has an area of 29.3 Km2, much lower than the average of the municipalities of Galicia 93,97, and the of the Ourense province which is 77,3 Km2.

The Madoz, the municipality of Quintela de Leirado, had 2,020 people, being its population the following evolution:
Year Population in fact Years Population of fact
1845 2.227 1930 2.242.
1860 2.314 1940 2.182
1877 2.371 1950 1.987
1887 2.371 1960 1.743
1900 2.351 1970 1.685
1910 2.307 1981 1.457
1920 2.334 1986 1.191
The percentage of the population in 1986, with relation to the 1900 is a 50.7%, so you have a total loss of 49.3%, in 86 years.

The population density of the municipality of Quintela de Leirado, is 40.6 people per Km2, lower than the average of the municipalities of Galicia 95,16, and the of its province of Ourense of 54.9 people per Km2.

The settlement of the population, according to the Nomenclator of 1981, is as follows:
Inhabitants Percentage
Population in core 882 61
Population in disseminated 575 39
Total 1.457 100
In 1991, according to the ENI census, figure with a population of 1,047 inhabitants right and in fact a 1.044.

Entities and parishes

The municipality of Quintela de Leirado, according to the Nomenclator of 1981, has a total of 30 unique entities of population, grouped in 5 parishes, and classified as: places, 17; Villages, 11; Casales, 2.

Largest population entities in fact are, the municipal capital, Quintela de Leirado, place, with 304 inhabitants, and is followed, the from: Xacebans, with 162; Mociños, place with 124; Fraguas, place with 73; and Forxán, place with 63 inhabitants.

Lower population entities are in fact, with 5 inhabitants: Costa, casal; with 8 inhabitants: Pousa, village: with 9 inhabitant: Auga Levada, casal; and, with 12 inhabitants: Reguengo, village.

The average of inhabitants by a singular entity, with data from 1981, is 48,56. The average of inhabitants by the parish of 291,40; and the average of the unique entities by parish is 6.

Then give one summarizes of the parishes of the municipality of Quintela de Leirado, and its main characteristic.
Parishes Nº of entities Extension Km2 Population in 1986 People
Inhabitants Density
LEIRADO (S. Pedro) 13 6,9 353 51,2
MOCIÑOS (Sta. Marta) 3 8,2 137 16,7
QUINTELA DE LEIRADO (S. Pablo) 1 1,9 273 143,7
RIOMUIÑOS (S. Salvador) 11 6,7 274 40,9
XACEBAS (S.Pedro) 2 5,6 154 27,5
QUINTELA DE LEIRADO 30 29,3 1.191 40,6
La Teaching
  • In the Madoz. The municipality of Quintela de Leirado, not listed with any school, which is explained if we say that the party of Celanova that belonged to only had seven public elementary schools.
  • In Carreras. The municipality of Quintela de Leirado, contained in geography, with a total of eight national public schools, of which four were unit and four others, mixed.
  • At the present time. In the educational district of Celanova, the council of Quintela de Leirado, not currently has center of teaching, so students have to move to the neighbouring municipalities.
Other structural indicators

A) Land use. Percentages. 1986.
  • Farmland 9,4
  • Meadows and pastures 14,5
  • Woodlot 69,3
  • Other lands 6,8
B) Animal husbandry. General livestock census. 1986.
  • Number of cows:
  • 3,142 Pig
  • 369-Sheep
  • 369 beef, and 311 milking cows
C) Industrial and commercial activity. 1985.
  • Industrial and construction establishments: 3
  • Number of employees of these establishments: 4
  • Commercial licenses for foodstuffs, beverages, agricultural raw materials and tobacco: 7
  • Non-classified commercial hostel: 4
  • Total commercial licences: 13
  • Phone numbers: 47
D) Ddistribution in percentages of employed population. Census 1981
  • Agriculture and fisheries 81
  • Industry 6,8
  • Construction 6,8
  • Services 5,3
E) Unemployment - recorded: 1985-1989.
  • 1985 - 48
  • 1986 - 50
  • 1987 - 57
  • 1988 - 53
  • 1989 - 55
F) Income
  • Rental available in current pesetas million municipal family
  • Income per capita in current pesetas available family
  • Percentage representing the family per capita income, on the average of Galicia
G) Housing. Evolution
  • 1900 - 589
  • 1930 - 642
  • 1960 - 498
  • 1981 - 544
  • 1986 - 619

The actually municipality of Quintela de Leirado, at the time of the former regime, belonged to the province of Ourense, one of the seven classics of the Kingdom. Enacted the Constitution of the year 1812, it becomes integrated into the single province of Spain, and split once this in four provinces by the courts on January 27, 1822 D., and then, by the R.D. of November 30, 1833, in both times, Quintela de Leirado, is part of the new province of Ourense where it remains.

Upon release the judicial districts by the single provincial division on March 3, 1820, Quintela de Leirado, and its term, contained in the judicial district of Celanova. Also when a judicial division is made on April 21, 1834, which modifies the previous, still appearing in the same judicial district of Celanova, until D.3388/1965, on November 11, which suppresses the party of Celanova, passing Quintela de Leirado depend on the party Court Celanova, and Quintela de Leirado, again depending upon it.

In the era in which governed the district courts of the order on March 24, 1945, Quintela de Leirado peace Court depended on the regional court of Cortegada.

Their parishes ecclesiastically dependent on the diocese of Ourense, and the next level:
  • Verea. Leirado, Mociños, Quintela de Leirado, Riomuiños, and Xacebas.
  • All these parishes are arrays.

The capital city of the municipality of Quintela de Leirado, and the place of Quintela de Leirado, which is from the capital of Galicia, Santiago, 153 Km and from the capital of its province, Ourense, 43 Km according to the Nomenclator, and 50 Km as it puts "Rutas", and the header of its judicial party, Celanova, 16 Km.

Within the municipal area of Quintela de Leirado unique population, more distant from the municipal capital, institutions are at the distance of 3 Km, the place of Xacebas; and 2.5 Km Retortoiro village, the two parish of Xacebas, Santiago, which is also altogether unique and the most far of the municipal capital.

The municipal capital

The Madoz said that the capital of the municipality of Quintela de Leirado, San Pedro de Leirado. Carreras said that the capital is in the place of Leirado. In Nomenclatores as well as Quintela de Leirado, comes in the last century, Forxan, which is a place in the 1981 of 65 inhabitants of the parish of Leirado, San Pedro. Quintela de Leirado, belongs to the parish of Quintela de Leirado, San Pablo, which segregated Leirado, St. Pedro parish. The evolution of the inhabitants of the capital, was:
Years Capital entity Classification Inhabitants
1860 Forxan place -
1873 Id. Id. -
1900 Quintela de Leirado Id. 462
1910 Id. Id. 469
1920 Id. Id. 427
1930 Id. Id. 429
1940 Id. Id. 424
1950 Id. Id. 347
1960 Id. Id. 327
1970 Id. Id. 372
1981 Id. Id. 306
The name

When the council were created in the list of municipalities in the BOPOR of July 8, 1836, it appears as Quintela, while immediately puts Leirado, this name of Quintela de Leirado is already in the relationship of the BOPOR of June 16, 1842, and the name must come from the round preserve of Quintela de Leirado, called, even though there is a singular entity of population called Quintela, after spreading Leirado, forming the new entity of Quintela de Leirado.

The House of the County

In Madoz says that the capital's council is, San Pedro de Leirado. In Carreras says that the capital was Leirado, parish of San Pedro de Leirado place, is that the parish of San Pablo de Quintela is segregated.

In the minutes of the visit made by the inspector of the SNIACL of the 17 1973, it is noted that the Town Hall of Quintela de Leirado, was the object of a reform, but continues to be inadequate for the public service which is her own. It has a single piece for municipal offices and Court. Location and access leave much to be desired. There no signs outside that denotes their status as home-town hall.

Titles and treatments

The Mayor of this council, as the article 33 of the ROF (Royal Decree 2568 / 1986, November 28), treatment of ladies and gentlemen.

And any other title or treatment, we know, it was granted or awarded to this council, in which, according to the Nomenclator of 1981, there no village, no city, and its capital is classified as a place.

Shield and seal

The current shield that is officially recognized, which was approved by the Decree of the Xunta de Galicia, 115/1992 of 30 April, posted in the DOGA, number 91 of May 14, 1992, which in its operative says:

Article only. Adopted the coat of arms of the municipality of Quintela de Leirado (Ourense), which will be organized in the following manner: ' blue, a mount of three peaks of gold, a patriarchal cross double cross also of gold, accompanied by two silver Lions faced. The coat of arms rings with the Spanish Royal Crown '.
Santiago de Compostela, 30 of April of thousand nine hundred ninety-two.

Escudo de Quintela de Leirado
Shield of Quintela de Leirado reproduce below the coat of arms which was granted the city of Quintela de Leirado

Pursuant to a R.O of building, on August 30, 1876, the Civil Governor of Ourense, referred you to the head of the A.H.N on March 21, 1877, the replies received from the mayors of the province, on the seal which had been used or were using, and its history, and including that of the Mayor of Quintela de Leirado from October 31, 1876that forwards you on a sheet, and it says:

There are no more seal that is built in July of last year, for having brought which had at Office.

However, in the year 1858, he used this seal that the Mayor does not send.

The budget of the municipality of Quintela de Leirado does not come in the Madoz. At the meeting of the provincial Council of Ourense on December 28, 1836, in it approved a budget for the year 1836, 1,166 reales and 24 maravedis. At the meeting of the same provincial government on 20 November 1837, it approved a budget for that year without putting quantity; and then, at the meeting of June 20, 1838, remember approve it a budget for the year 1838, 1,556 reales. It also appears in the racing with a municipal budget of 11.192 pesetas.

The evolution of their budgets in this calculation, was:
Years Amount/Pesetas
1924-25 13.118
1986 751.188
1987 11.254.000
1988 11.170.000
1989 13.500.000
Bank offices, in the 1985 0
Offices of savings 1
Own heritage

The municipality of Quintela de Leirado in document number 346 on 26 November 1991, replies saying that it has no inventory, and that by agreement of July 27, 1991, the formation of the same was awarded to a company.

Neighborhood heritage

The neighborhood mountains in the municipality of Quintela de Leirado common hand that were recognized and classified as such mountains, by the corresponding jury, are as follows::
Name Ownership hectares Date sort.
Xacebans and Retortoiro Xacebans and Retortoiro neighbours 466 25/05/1977
Cabanelas Id. Of Cabanelas (Leirado) 3 25/05/1977
Fondons Id. Of Fondons (Leirado) 1 25/05/1977
De Fraguas y Mourisca Id. Fraguas and Mourisca (Leirado) 121 25/05/1977
Lomba O Facho Id. De Augalevada, Costa, Edras, Forxán, Lavandera, and Leirado 10 25/05/1977
Campo Real and Mociños Id. Campo Real and Mociños (Mociños) 89 25/05/1977
Quintela de Leirado Id. The parish of Quintela de Leirado 15 25/05/1977
Id. Riomuinos Id. de Riomuiños 211 25/05/1977
Ataínde Id. The place of Atain (Leirado) 29 25/05/1977
Total: 945 hectares
Patrimonio Histórico-Artístico

According to the resolution of May 14, 1991, which ordered the publication of the complementary norms and subsidiary of planning of the provinces of A Coruña, Lugo, Ourense and Pontevedra, of the Department of management of the territory and public works, which modifies the resolution of January 10, 1990, in annex 3, inventory of the Cultural Heritageas regards the province of Ourense, is contained in the DOGA, number 134, of July 15, 1991, and from it we collect data from the inventory of the artistic historical heritage, of the
Name Parish/place
Church of San Pedro Leirado
Chapel of the Virgin of the Carme Quintela de Leirado
Church of Santiago Xacebáns
Chapel of Santa Maria Leirado
Church of San Pablo Quintela de Leirado
Church of Santa Maria Mociños
Wednesday, 12 of February


  • Museum of Emigration to Equatorial Guinea
  • Mancomunidade Terra de Celanova
  • Deputación Ourense
  • Xunta de Galicia

Town hall of Quintela

  • GDR Límia Arnoia
  • Acceso Móbil
  • Axencia Galega de Desenvolvemento
  • Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente
  • Xunta de Galicia
  • Galicia
  • Feader: Europa inviste no rural

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