As has been the case in recent summers, the Terras de Celanova Commonwealth organizes children's activities for the boys and girls of Quintela de Leirado, during the months of July and August.
In order to participate in them,...
The atrium of San Pedro de Leirado, as well as the closest historic complex in the surroundings of the council house, recovers its splendor after the humanization...
With the arrival of christmas, once again, the children of teh Cty of Quintela de Leirado can enjoy a special day in Pazolandia, the fun organized bu the Provincial Govemment in the Sports Palace Of Ourense Paco...
Through a grant of 40,000.00 euros granted by Agader (Galician Agency for Rural Development), and co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development within the framework of the Rural Development Program (PDR) of Galicia...
The municipality of Quintela de Leirado, as in previous years grants registered families, a grant of €75 per child attend compulsory education for the purchase of books and school supplies. The
Vouchers will be available from ...